
for manufacturing

Streamline processes, cut out inefficiencies,
and increase your profits.

In business, there is no tolerance for inefficiencies that impact company profits. DBR workplacelean consultants will help you to increase productivity by streamlining your operations both on the floor and in the office.

Often companies only think of lean in terms of streamlining the physical process of manufacturing their product. Companies have achieved amazing results by increasing efficiencies and reducing expenditures in their office processes as well. Improved processes that yield outstanding results often include:

  • Assembly/Production
  • Material Handling
  • Shipping
  • Sales and Order Processing
  • Procurement and Asset Management
  • Employee Hiring and Release
  • Payroll
  • Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable

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A Customized Approach

Introductory Lean Programs introduce your staff to the lean philosophy and the basics of how to apply lean to achieve everyday process improvements.

Process Improvement Programs 'get to work' increasing institutional efficiency by training participants to see, evaluate, plan and implement improvements of problem processes.

Workspace Organization Programs help employees organize their workspace, including "electronic workspaces", for improved functionality and efficiency.

Lean Consulting provides expert assistance and support to ensure the success and sustainability of lean initiatives.

Contact us to start your lean journey.

Success Stories

"Our workplacelean facilitators showed us that by utilizing the subject matter experts within our company, we could gain a better understanding about what needed to change to accomplish the results we wanted. The facilitators brought a fresh perspective and saw things that we ourselves were not able to identify. The impact on our company’s culture and its performance has been game-changing." Read more...
- Steve Tuil, Editorial Quality Administrator, The Stelter Company

"Teaming with DMACC to provide lean training has proven very effective for ALMACO. Our employees benefit greatly from the classes they attend and they always return energized and anxious to apply what they have learned. I am thankful that DMACC has these resources available for us to utilize."
- Mark Smith, ALMACO

"I can’t say enough about how wonderful Lean 101 is as a team building exercise.  Having different groups of people work side-by-side during the training program has facilitated the ease in which they now work together to produce our products. Lean 101 provided the fundamental building blocks for our processes helping us produce our products efficiently and accurately." Read More...
- Brice Oleson, NewLink Genetics

"DBR’s WorkplaceLean program has helped LaQuercia increase efficiency in a number of areas, from production to gains in inventory control.  DBR was able to meet our unique bilingual and scheduling requirements and as a result of their lean training, we have already seen dramatic increases in productivity.  Our employees have enjoyed being an integral part of the process." Read More...
- Emily Tripp, Controller, La Quercia

"After attending Lean 101, our dock manager immediately changed his floor and began talking to his guys about how they could be more efficient on the dock. He brought me a list of changes he thought we should implement. Thanks!"
- Dennis Horrigan, Capital City Fruit, Inc.

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