
for all industries

Increased process efficiency within every industry results in greater profits and the ability to direct more resources to what’s important.

Whether you report to stockholders, a partnership or a board of directors, every organization is charged with using its resources in the smartest and most efficient ways possible. Most office processes such as those found within human resources, finance and information technology departments are common among all organizations. Often these areas hold outstanding potential for cost savings when made more efficient and streamlined.

Examples of industries workplacelean can help achieve lean process management goals include:

Processes that typically yield great cost savings include:
  • Payroll
  • Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable
  • Customer/Patient/Client Scheduling and Follow-Up
  • Procurement and Asset Management
  • Hiring and Release of Employees
  • Employee communication programs
  • Marketing

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A Customized Approach

Introductory Lean Programs introduce your staff to the lean philosophy and the basics of how to apply lean to achieve everyday process improvements.

Process Improvement Programs 'get to work' increasing institutional efficiency by training participants to see, evaluate, plan and implement improvements of problem processes.

Workspace Organization Programs help employees organize their workspace, including "electronic workspaces", for improved functionality and efficiency.

Lean Consulting provides expert assistance and support to ensure the success and sustainability of lean initiatives.

Contact us to start your lean journey.

Success Stories

"Our workplacelean facilitators showed us that by utilizing the subject matter experts within our company, we could gain a better understanding about what needed to change to accomplish the results we wanted. The facilitators brought a fresh perspective and saw things that we ourselves were not able to identify. The impact on our company’s culture and its performance has been game-changing." Read More...
- Steve Tuil, Editorial Quality Administrator, The Stelter Company

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